- Websites Of Job Boards And Career
Services At Film Schools And Universities -

Websites Of Job Boards And Career Services At Film Schools And Universities: Here are some  film school and university websites that may have job boards or career services dedicated to the film industry that could help you get a film job in America or Canada.

American Film Institute (AFI):
UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television:
School of Cinematic Arts, University of Southern California:
Tisch School of the Arts, New York University:

Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD): www.scad.edu/career-services
Columbia University School of the Arts: arts.columbia.edu/career-services
School of the Arts, Columbia University: arts.columbia.edu/career-resources
Chapman University Dodge College of Film and Media Arts: www.chapman.edu/dodge/career-development


Please note that each institution may have different resources and services available. It's best to visit the career services or job board sections of their respective websites for the most up-to-date information on film-related job opportunities and career support in America or Canada.