- 9 Asian Scholarships for African Students -

9 Asian Scholarships for African Students - Thinking of scholarship? What about Asia... Have you ever consider studying in Asia before, if not I guess you have the opportunity right now.. Checkout these 9 scholarships in Asia to give your life good meaning...

1. Taiwan Higher Education Scholarship for International Students Supported by the Taiwan Fund for International Cooperation and Development (ICDF), this offer allows students Foreign students to apply for undergraduate.

Taiwan partner universities degree course study. Taiwan ICDF Scholarship has 34 programs to choose from. To support and manage this scholarship, Taiwan International Cooperation Association (TIKA) was established and cooperation was made with 22 universities.

Eligibility Criteria

Applicants must be nationals of countries included in Taiwan ICDF Scholarship Designation Beneficiary Countries. The applicant must not be a citizen of China or Taiwan.

Applicants must meet the entry requirements of the partner institution they wish to apply for. applicants must meet all the requirements for FS visa (residence visa) specified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan.

The applicant must verify that he or she does not currently hold any Taiwan ICDF scholarships and has not been issued by the Taiwan government due to any scholarship and has not been issued by a university in Taiwan.


Total Tuition Fee
Flight Ticket
Monthly Income
Tuition Fee and Fees
Fees, Books and Materials

Obtain Necessary Documents
Application Form Certificates 44 Certificate (ID)
English Proficiency Exam Certificate
Letter of Approval (2)
Other Required Documents
Applicants must submit the documents on the letter to the Taiwan police officer in the country where they are working.

To Apply Please Visit The Website.

2. Qatar Scholarships for International Students

Qatar Fund for Development (QFFD), in cooperation with its institutions, offers scholarships to international students from countries to study in Qatar. Students who want to continue their education in Qatar can apply for a scholarship. Candidates with the number must first apply to the school they want. The selection of qualified candidates will be determined from the list of successful candidates selected and awarded in the School of Education.

Only candidates who have been accepted to the University of their Choice can benefit from the scholarship.

List of Partner Universities
Doha Graduate School
Hamid Bin Khalifa University
Qatar University
Applicants are encouraged to identify themselves as citizens of Development Assistance (ODA) countries.

To Apply Please Visit The Website..

3. Japan World Bank Joint Scholarship Program for Developing Countries Nationals of World Bank member developing countries are invited to apply for 26 different scholarships across the state. Master's programs at universities in the United States, Europe, Oceania, Africa, and Japan. The focus is on development, trade policy, governance, tax policy and infrastructure management. Students with experience and a background in supporting national development are welcome to apply.

After receiving the degree, recipients must return to their home country to use their new skills and contribute to their country's social and economic development. The application process will be divided into two stages. Applications for the first phase will begin from January 17, to February 18. The second stage will start on 29 May.


Applicants must be citizens of developing countries that are members of the World Bank.
Applicants must not hold dual citizenship in a developing country.
Candidates must have physical and mental evidence.
Applicants must have a bachelor's degree or equivalent obtained within 3 years prior to the application date.
Candidates must have at least 3 years of relevant work experience after their undergraduate education.
Applicants must be in a full-time job.
Must have a letter of acceptance from their preferred school.
Tuition Fee
Monthly Scholarship
Health Insurance

Please Note: In order to be eligible for this scholarship, students must first be enrolled in one of the 26 programs within the scope of Department 444 Scholarship, absolutely without exception.

To Apply Please Visit The Website.